Graduate Diploma in Family Medicine

Application for 2025-2027 will be open from 10th March 2025 to 28 March 2025.

Please click HERE to apply.

General Information


The GDFM is a structured 2-year part-time training programme for doctors in Singapore. It is organised by the College of Family Physicians Singapore (CFPS).

Aims and Objective

GDFM aims to provide a comprehensive and structured training programme for doctors who wish to work in primary care and practice Family Medicine at a competent level, catering to the healthcare needs of the child, the adolescent, the adult and the elderly.


To be eligible for the GDFM programme, candidates must:

  • Possess a basic degree in medicine (MBBS or an equivalent qualification) that is registered with the Singapore Medical Council (SMC).

  • Hold full or conditional registration with the SMC. Practitioners with temporary registration must include a letter of recommendation from their Head of Department (HOD). Doctors with provisional registration are not eligible to apply.

  • Have at least one full year of working experience in Singapore at the point of course registration.

  • Hold a current and valid practising certificate.

  • Practice at least 20 active clinical hours per week.

Course Overview

The GDFM is designed for practising doctors who may have busy work schedules. The programme incorporates distance learning components to facilitate the acquisition of core knowledge and skills. Peer interaction, tutoring and expert-led discussions are conducted through e-learning and face-to-face sessions outside regular office hours.

The course is divided into 8 modules, each comprising of 2 learning units. The modules are conducted over a 3-month period and include: 

  • Reading materials for self-study (Downloadable from e-learning portal)
  • Multiple-choice assessments
  • 4 interactive Saturday/Sunday afternoon seminars (2.5 hours in duration each)
  • 1 tutorial for each module (2-3 hours in duration each)

In addition to the 8 modules, trainees must complete 3 GDFM Practice Management courses and 4 elective Family Practice Skill Course. These are short courses conducted over weekends that cover specific areas in Family Medicine. College has newly added mini ITE (formative assessments) to the training which will be conducted once every six months to help trainees prepare for the FM AKT Test.

Do note candidates are required to hold a valid BCLS competency certificate which is mandatory for examination applications with DGMS, NUS. Candidates must satisfy the BCLS requirements on their own.

The Joint Committee of Family Medicine Singapore (JCFMS) and the Family Physicians Accreditation Board (FPAB) would like to update on the following:

  • Concurrent training in residency and the Graduate Diploma in Family Medicine (GDFM) is not allowed to optimise training resources.
  • Prospective GDFM trainees who are undergoing residency training at the start of the programme will not be considered for enrolment to GDFM training.

18 Months of FM-Related Clinical Practice

This requirement and its implementation will be delayed and only apply to trainees entering training July 2028 onwards. Notwithstanding, all GDFM trainees are strongly encouraged to fulfil the 18-month FM-related clinical experience, including the 6-month primary care experience for clinical training and competence. Medical Officer Posting Exercise (MOPEX) trainees should refer to the list of FM-related clinical experience below and it is necessary for them to select the relevant MOPEX postings as first choice in order for MOHH to prioritise them for the postings.

Recognised FM-related clinical postings are:

Primary Care

Minimum 6 months, can be entire 18 months; or 8 hours per week in approved FM practice over 2 years (e.g. Polyclinics, GP clinics)

Recognise up to 6 months each for the listed postings:

Children’s emergency / Paediatric medicine
Community Hospital
Emergency medicine
Geriatric medicine
Home care
Hospital Clinician Scheme (Emergency Medicine)
Hospital Clinician Scheme (Internal Medicine)
Internal medicine
Palliative medicine

Recognise up to 3 months each for the listed postings:

General surgery
Hospital Clinician Scheme (General Surgery)
Nursing home care
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Rehabilitation medicine

Before graduation from programme and eligibility for exam (experience prior to GDFM training may be recognised, up to 5 years before graduation from programme)

 Please take note of the following information from MOH:

From 2025-2027 GDFM intakes (inclusive), a GDFM trainee may apply for residency training in September, and attend the interviews, but would not be considered for residency ranking (end-Dec) if he/she continues to be on the GDFM programme.

This means that the trainee will need to withdraw from the GDFM programme before December to be considered for ranking. Otherwise, if the doctor decides to continue with GDFM programme and rejects the residency match, he/she will have to sit out for a year before being allowed to apply for residency training again, similar to all other candidates.

Programme Details

FMTP Modular Courses (FMMC)

The FMTP Modular Course (FMMC) consists of 8 modules, each comprising 4 workshops conducted over four weekend afternoons per quarter. These workshops will be delivered in an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) format by specialists and Family Medicine (FM) experts.

Three workshops per module will be conducted via ZOOM.

One workshop per module will involve appointed trainees participating in a live OSCE session at the College Academic Training Centre. This session will also be broadcast live over ZOOM for the rest of the cohort.

Full attendance (i.e. 100% attendance per module) is mandatory for completion for each FMMC module. The eight modules are:

  • Module 1 : Respiratory System; Special Sensory System

  • Module 2 : Child & Adolescent Health; Gastrointestinal System

  • Module 3 : Metabolic Health; Hematologic & Immune system; Data interpretation; Cancer Screening; Palliative Medicine

  • Module 4 : Geriatric Medicine; Psychiatric Medicine

  • Module 5 : Population & Patient based System; Dermatological System

  • Module 6 : Occupational Medicine; Procedures; Renal, Male Reproductive & Endocrine System

  • Module 7 : The Female Reproductive System (Reproductive Age & Menopause) Emergent Problems & Acute Medicine; Musculoskeletal System

  • Module 8 : The Female Reproductive System (Pregnancy); Neurological System; Cardiovascular System

At the end of each workshop of the FMMC module, trainees are required to log on to the e-learning website and complete a reflection form on the learning points of the workshops. Trainees should share the reflections forms completed to the tutors during their milestone check.


GDFM Tutorials 

The GDFM tutorials are conducted once per quarter, following the completion of the 4 workshops. Tutorials will focus on the theme of the module for that particular quarter. Each trainee will be assigned to a tutorial group consisting of 10–15 trainees, mentored by 2–3 GDFM tutors. Trainees are responsible for coordinating with their respective tutors to schedule the tutorial at a mutually agreed location and time.

Over the 2-year course, there will be a total of 8 face-to-face tutorials, all of which are compulsory. Trainees must sign the tutorial attendance sheet to confirm their participation.

 E-Learning & Mini ITE

Quarterly MCQ Assessment & 6-monthly Mini ITE

At the end of each FMMC module, trainees are required to log on to the e-learning website and complete the MCQ assessments on the module covered in the quarter. These MCQ assessments are compulsory.

College has introduced a 6-monthly mini ITE assessment into the training. The objective of this assessment is to help trainees prepare for the GDFM Part 1 examination (FM AKT Test) at the end of the 2-year training. These assessments include the Mock Full Formative Assessment and Half Formative Assessment, both of which are compulsory.

GDFM Practice Management Courses (PMC)

The GDFM Practice Management Courses focus on developing basic clinical diagnostic and management skills essential for general practice. These courses will be conducted throughout the two-year training programme. The 3 GDFM PMC courses are:

1. Principle of Family Medicine & Practice Management Skills Course (P&P)
There are 6 units of study delivered through distance learning, e-Learning case scenarios and one afternoon session of workshop.

  • Unit 1: Principles of Family Practice (1)
  • Unit 2: Principles of Family Practice (2)
  • Unit 3: Managing the Practice
  • Unit 4: Computer Use & Literature Search
  • Unit 5: Financial Management
  • Unit 6: Practice Audit
2. Consultation, Communication & Counselling Skills Course (CCC)

There 6 units of study delivered through distance learning, e-Learning case scenarios and two afternoon sessions of workshops.

  • Unit 1: Communication in Clinical Practice
  • Unit 2: Counselling Skills
  • Unit 3: Behaviour Change
  • Unit 4: Counselling within the consultation
  • Unit 5: Counselling in specific situation
  • Unit 6: Speaking to children
3. Professionalism, Ethics & Law Skills Course (PEL)

There are 6 units of study delivered through distance learning, e-Learning case scenarios and three afternoon sessions of workshops.

  • Unit 1: Professionalism
  • Unit 2: Ethics
  • Unit 3: Medical Records & Confidentiality
  • Unit 4: Notification, Certification & dispensing
  • Unit 5: Practice Issues, Advertising, PHMC Act
  • Unit 6: Setting Up Practice

GDFM Mock Exam

The 3 part GDFM Mock Exam is designed to help trainees prepare for the GDFM examination. Participation in the mock exam is not a compulsory requirement for completing the training programme. However, trainees are strongly encouraged to participate in the mock exam to enhance their learning and preparation for the actual examination.

A. GDFM Exam Preparatory Briefing

  • A 2-hour briefing conducted on one Saturday afternoon

B. GDFM Mock Full Formative and Half Formative Assessments (to be completed via the E-Learning portal)

  • Full Formative Assessments: 180 Applied Knowledge Test (MCQ) questions
  • Half Formative Assessments: 90 Applied Knowledge Test (MCQ) questions


C. GDFM Mock OSCE (Conducted externally)

  • The GDFM Mock OSCE is a face-to-face session held on a Saturday afternoon
  • The session is designed to simulate the actual examination environment and includes multiple mock OSCE cases for trainees to practise
  • A feedback session will be conducted at the end of the Mock OSCE

 Family Practice Skills Course (FPSC) – Four Compulsory Elective

(Fees not included in GDFM programme fee)

Trainees may choose to do any Family Practice Skill Courses (FPSC) (Total of FOUR afternoon) FPSC conducted by the College of Family Physicians Singapore to be counted as electives under the GDFM programme. Typically, each FPSC consists of:

2-Afternoons Family Practice Skills Courses:

  • Two seminars and two workshops
  • Online Assessment (MCQs) test which is based on the Singapore Family Physician Journal (SFP)
  • Reading papers: A selection of 10 papers will be presented. Course participants are advised to choose up to five for self-study.

1-Afternoon Family Practice Skills Courses:

  • 1 seminar and 1 workshop
  • Online Assessment (MCQs) which is based on the Singapore Family Physicians Journal (SFP)
  • Reading Papers: A selection of 10 papers will be presented. Course participants are advised to choose up to five for self-study.

GDFM Examination

The examination is conducted by the Division of Graduate Medical Studies, NUS and successful candidates would be awarded the Graduate Diploma of Family Medicine (GDFM) by NUS. For information on the GDFM Examination, please refer to the DGMS website here

Trainees are required to fulfil all training requirements and pass the GDFM examination to graduate from the programme. 

Non-refundable Registration fees

Non-refundable Registration fees

S$ 218*

GDFM Course Fee Y2025

College Member:

S$ 11,984.75*

Non-College Member:

S$ 14,369.34*

* Non-refundable Registration fees and Course fees stated are inclusive of 9% GST. It is inclusive of the Amboss portal subscription and Mock Exam during the 2-year programme

*In order to be eligible for the Member rate fee: Applicants would need to sign up for 3-year membership of $643.10 upfront (Financial Year Apr 2025 to Mar 2028).

Exclusion of Fees

  • Programme fees does not include GDFM Actual Examination, Family Practice Skill Course (FPSC) Elective and Basic Cardiac Life Support (BCLS) certification
  • Programme fees does not include re-attempts for the GDFM Mock Examination and  and re-subscription of the Amboss portal after the 2-year programmee

Miscellaneous Fee

Miscellaneous fees refer to any non-compulsory fees which the students pay only when applicable. Such fees are normally collected by the Private Education Institution (PEI) when the need arises.

Miscellaneous Fee – Members

Purpose of Fee 

(with GST, if any) 

Re-taking Mock examination (OSCE) – applicable from Y2026 onwards


Re-taking of GDFM Module (inclusive of workshops and tutorials)

$523.20 (per module)


Re-taking of Practice Management Courses (P&P, CCC & PEL) (inclusive of MCQs)

$468.70 to $577.70


Miscellaneous Fee – Non-Members

Purpose of Fee 

(with GST, if any) 

Family Practice Skill Course (FPSC) Elective -

$436.00 to $610.40

Re-taking Mock examination (OSCE) – applicable from Y2026 onwards


Re-taking of GDFM Module (inclusive of workshops and tutorials)


$523.20 (per module)


Re-taking of Practice Management Courses (P&P, CCC & PEL) (inclusive of MCQs)

$468.70 to $577.70

Miscellaneous fees may be subjected to change when applicable.

Refund Policy

Registration fee is non-refundable.

Registration Fees will not be refunded to unsuccessful candidates. Successful candidates will be required to sign a Student Contract between CFPS and the candidate and pay the Programme Fees.
There will be an 80% refund of programme fee if the written notice of withdrawal is received during the cooling-off period of seven (7) working days after the date that the Student Contract has been signed.

There will be no refund of programme fee if the written notice of withdrawal is received after the cooling-off period.

% of [the amount of fees paid for Course Fee]

If Student’s written notice of withdrawal is received:


During the cooling-off period of seven (7) working days after the date that the Student Contract has been signed


After the cooling-off period

Last updated on 10 Mar 2025