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 GPConnect Final










Cycle 2 has shown many of the core strengths that GPConnect has to offer as HealthierSG features become more prominent in clinical workflow, from Health Plan Generations to billing calculators for the new HealthierSG Chronic tier. Across all SmartCMSes, GPConnect is the only CMS at present that has a direct contact switch to NEHR, which adds convenience for users, especially when they need to obtain patient records through NEHR. 

Ease of Use, NEHR and Meeting Grant Requirements

Based on our User Survey, GPConnect has the highest rating from respondents for its ability to resolve issues. During the CMS Sutra Team’s Clinical Visits, we noted that a member of the GPConnect support team came down to the clinic to resolve matters regarding system issues. One reviewer mentioned, “Support for their new clinic was very helpful in troubleshooting errors, usually through TeamViewer and at times on-site, with some staff going beyond expectations to help after hours.” With regards to speed of response and issue resolution, GPConnect has the highest score, with 57.1% of users rating it 4 to 5 stars compared to the average of 43.1% for the other CMSes. However, our User Survey suggests that the GPConnect system is one of the more complex systems to pick up, with 34.3% of respondents rating 4 to 5 stars on needing to learn a lot before they could get going with their current CMS, compared to an average of 32% for the same rating for all other CMSes. 

Health Plan, Inventory and HealthierSG Whitelist Drugs

Respondents from our User Survey deemed GPConnect’s HealthierSG enrollment page very accurate and reliable with 100% of respondents rating it 3 stars and above. This is very helpful for clinics to track and manage the number of HealthierSG patients under their care. 94.2% of respondents also rated the ease of HealthierSG care report generation at 3 stars and above, compared to the average rating of 82.7% across all CMSes. Users also reported high satisfaction with the Health Plan module. Our CMS reviewers further mentioned that everything works well as intended and that they have no issues with the HealthierSG-related workflow. 

System Stability, User Support and Perceived Value

Another feature that the CMS Sutra team mentioned earlier in Cycle 1 was the usage of a downtime module if the service is disrupted. This is a very commendable feature, as clinic operations can still function even when service disruptions occur in the main module, with data synchronized back into the main module once service resumes. With GPConnect moving to a web-based system in the near future, we hope that the design team will consider implementing a downtime server for users to have peace of mind. Based on the current client-based software model, more than half of our respondents have rated 4 or 5 stars for GPConnect’s software stability. Our reviewers have also commented that occasionally, the clinic checks with GPConnect to receive instructions to swap to the downtime module if needed, and the response is quick if these actions are required. 


GPConnect has tackled much of the core HealthierSG functions of SmartCMS well in Cycle 2, with users being comfortable with the workflow. Our CMS reviewers suggest that the addition of trending and basic reports functions could help improve patient care for clinics. The CMS Sutra team hopes that GPConnect’s upcoming web-based migration will be a smooth journey, with both core features and HealthierSG modules remaining intact and keeping up with future HealthierSG implementations. 

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GPConnect cycle 4