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Plato CMS was founded in 2015 and has a company size of 10.

Based on our survey respondents, Plato CMS is regarded as the most stable CMS out in the market with minimal reports of downtime and lags. The system is quick to launch and can be used on different types of platforms such as PC, smartphone and tablets. It features a very minimalistic and clean dashboard that is very easy to pick up and learn for new users.
Although it might look simple, Plato CMS is loaded with exceptional complex features. For instance, Plato CMS is able to produce an automated charting of pediatric growth parameters on Singapore-centric growth charts, generating comprehensive reports for the user. Uploading different formats of documents are also possible, including video formats which is a very progressive feature as visual information becomes increasingly useful in modern medical practice. Plato CMS is also able to group patients who are family members easily into a functional group, which could be very helpful in identifying complex generational cases that would otherwise be a tedious search process.
One particular feature that the CMS Sutra team liked was the ability to pre-register patients through Singpass as the platform becomes more widely used by Singaporeans connecting their identities with healthcare and finances. A self-booking appointment system is also available for patients, reducing patient wait times. Additional paid upgrade features include an SMS reminder system for appointments, as well as credit card billing functions, for clinics that require these upgrades, they are available.
On the other end, there are a couple of things to note for users planning to switch to Plato CMS. Under the patient demographics, “race” is not a default data field and users will have to manually set up the field, especially when porting over data from another CMS. It is advisable to contact Plato CMS for assistance on this matter. Manual setup is also required for vaccine calculations and claims.
Plato CMS is a simplistic looking yet feature heavy CMS, we recommend users to access the CMS’s library to optimize the full range of functions that Plato CMS has to offer, as manual setup is required for some of these features. For users who like a user-friendly system that has a comfortable modern look and is generally regarded as stable, Plato CMS is worth considering.

To learn more or book a demo, head over to