The Singapore Family Physician

Back to issue Vol 44 No. 5 - Nutrition as Medicine; Addressing Sarcopenia and Diabetes

Prescribing Diets: From Food to Oral Nutrition Supplements

Debbie Thong
The Singapore Family Physician Vol 44 No 5 - Nutrition as Medicine; Addressing Sarcopenia and Diabetes
18 - 22
1 October 2018
Diabetes and Sarcopenia are both growing public health concerns in the aged society. The effectiveness of medical nutrition therapy (MNT) in diabetes prevention and management has long been recognized. Sarcopenia, defined as the loss of muscle mass and muscle function, can likewise be combated by combining lifestyle and nutritional interventions. In clinical practice, early detection with validated screening tools is vital to identify older adults at high risk for sarcopenia, so that preventive interventions can be initiated. It is recognized that a healthful eating pattern and regular physical activity are keystones of sarcopenia and diabetes prevention and management. “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, proclaimed that the power of nutrition simply begins with healthful food choices on our plates. This article summarises the current evidence in both the management of diabetes, sarcopenia and for clinicians to consider its implications for prevention and treatment strategies.