The Singapore Family Physician

Back to issue Vol 49 No. 8 - Child and Adolescent Preventive Mental Health Care

Paediatric Eating Disorders: Understanding and Addressing the Challenges

Rajeev Ramachandran
The Singapore Family Physician Vol 49 No 8 - Child and Adolescent Preventive Mental Health Care
20 - 23
1 September 2023
Paediatric eating disorders are a complex and alarming phenomenon that can have severe consequences on a child’s physical, emotional, and social well-being. These disorders encompass a range of conditions characterised by disturbed eating patterns and a distorted perception of body weight and shape. It is crucial to recognise and address paediatric eating disorders promptly to ensure early intervention, proper treatment, and long-term recovery. We will review various types of paediatric eating disorders, their causes, potential complications, and the importance of a comprehensive approach to their management.