The Singapore Family Physician
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Vol 50 No. 5 - Advancing HPV Prevention in Singapore
HPV in Men: Unveiling the Silent Epidemic
The Singapore Family Physician
Vol 50
No 5
- Advancing HPV Prevention in Singapore
1 May 2024
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections with
about 1 in 3 men infected globally. Men do not develop protective immunity after an infection
and consequently remain susceptible to reinfection throughout their lives, serving as a
reservoir of infection. While HPV infections may be asymptomatic, persistent HPV infection may lead to the development of genital warts and increase the risk of penile cancer, anal cancer, and oro-pharyngeal cancer in men. 4- and 9-valent HPV vaccines have
been approved for use in boys and men in Singapore and are efficacious and safe in preventing HPV infections and HPV-associated diseases.